Board of Directors
Judy LaVine
Judy chairs all board meetings and oversees any necessary financial and legal obligations. The President may appoint chairpersons for activities necessary to the conduct of the club where a board member is not required. It is the responsibility of the President to ensure that all communications to members are current.
Vice President
Jim Bouey
Jim serves in the absence of the president and attends board meetings.
The Vice president is responsible for arranging the programs for the club, which includes arranging for speakers, planning outside events and tours. The VP also reserves the meeting room.
Norine Bouey
Norine is responsible for accounting of all LHNPC bank accounts, and reports the financial status at each Board meeting. The Treasurer is responsible for paying any bills and expenses for the club. The Treasurer coordinates deposits of dues with the Membership coordinator. The Treasurer completes and files state and Federal tax returns with the President.
Recording Secretary
Adrienne Brown
Adrienne keeps the records of all the proceedings of the club, also known as meeting minutes. The Recording Secretary makes the minutes and records available to members upon request.
Dianna Dibble
Dianna maintains the website, the electronic and print media presence for the club.